Thursday, December 11, 2008


This is a lovable couple BUT .......................

It's ALWAYS the kids that


Name is Zenkey!!!!!!!


AS said...


krystyna said...

Really Zenkey is a sufferer.
Hope this lovable couple will be love him.

You have very interesting and beautiful blogsite/s.

Good luck to you!

pradipwritenow said...

Mindblowing and really I believe any one coming to your post shall start thinking.

sid said...

Hilarious...from where did you get this one;-))
PS:- Ya trying to get back..been out of the loop for ages!

Nithin Purple said...

love is to peace der kip post!!

Tickled pink said...

wo ho ho ho ho....
really ROTFL.
the pic couldn't have got a better caption than this.really amusing. Do drop by on my blog.

Jennifer said...

It's not a better example for love marriage. Above picture are mindblowing examples. Most of the people follow her ideas on her own ways. Hilarious comments for this blog.

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Briana G said...

haha awww looks like he has Zebra pint long socks on.. :) thanks for sharing

Unknown said...

What to say I don't have word I am laughing!!
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